Askel & Elere - Get Up VIP

Askel & Elere - Get Up VIP

Release Date: 22/03/2024

Label: Soulvent Records

Catalog: SV 121DD

Juho Kavasto and Sainey Gibba are back to remind you of their production prowess, with their first slice of new music since 2022! Having taken a bit of a welcome break from production after the release of their debut album ‘Simulations’ back in 2021, the pair return with a re-energised approach and a recognisable, yet pleasing sound palate to paint the aural canvas of 2024 anew.

‘Get Up VIP’ once more delivers the familiar Ronseal-esque instruction to rise from your seat, but with a renewed, more energetic bassline. The more feminine but more authoritative vocal sample seems even more disapproving of those choosing not to ‘Get Up’ as per the request, amidst swirling pads and trademark Askel & Elere snappy drums.

Askel & Elere - Get Up VIP starts at 31:51 in the mix below.

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Posted by Brenton Clerkin