JDNB Interview: Get Out! Events

JDNB talks with Get Out, the DnB event that’s been making big waves in the South West! We cover where it all began, what’s new for the brand, their vision, and what’s in store for the future!
First of all, thanks for taking the time out to chat with us, tell us about how you came up with the idea and where it all started for you?
Thank you for having us! We started Get Out! Events in the summer of 2022, put together by a team of creatives with the goal of putting Swindon back on the Drum and Bass map. Swindon isn’t a small town but yet we find the amount of events going on doesn’t reflect the size of the scene here. We wanted to create an inclusive space where DJs and artists with all different levels of experience could come together. Our team has 10 years of event organising experience, and after a short break we felt like it was time to get back into the scene. We began at a club in Swindon doing bi-monthly events. Initially it was really important to bring headline names, especially those that hadn’t been in Swindon at all, or for a fair few years.
How would you describe your vision for the brand?
When we began our main vision was to make the event into something that local people could enjoy, but also an event which would catch the eye of those outside of Swindon. We are also exploring the idea of putting on events around the country, and hope to grow the brand into something special. By the end of next year we aim to have put on a day festival! Featuring a variety of music genres. We want to give the local artists and up & comers the chance to perform on a festival stage. We hope to partner with local businesses and artists to showcase the local culture, and offer experiences that go beyond the music!
What is your ethos?
We focus on featuring diverse and underrepresented artists that may not have had the chance to perform in nightclubs before. There are so many talented DJs out there that are unsure of how to go about getting booked on events which also feature headline DJs, we wanted to create a platform for them. Half of our management team is female so we really want to show support to the tremendous amount of female talent in the field. We plan to work towards having more even-gendered line ups in the future!
How can fresh new talent get involved?
Drop us a message on any of our socials with a link to a new mix and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Alternatively, if you fancy being old school, come along to an event with a USB or CD and your contact details, and we’d love to give it a listen! The second may make you stand out!
What do you look for when picking new artists to represent for you?
We love variety within our artists! As long as they get people moving, then there’s not a lot of styles that we won’t consider. We also really appreciate artists with original music that may not have been heard before and would love to give them a platform to play their art in front of a crowd! Artists who promote and push the events they feature on is something we also like to see, it’s important that they want to push themselves as much as possible. High energy behind the decks is something we take note of when looking at rebooking artists in particular.
Who would your dream headline act or combination be?
Hedex, Bou, Chase and Status, Shy FX, Netsky. But it is really difficult to choose just a few names as there are so many artists that we would love to work with in the future!
We hear that you’ve recently secured a residency at Tree Nightclub in Swindon with a new monthly event?
Yes! This new venture is something we are really excited about. The team at Tree have been amazing, and their hard work and passion is highly reflected in the club! The event will start off being as a monthly affair, but if all goes well you will definitely see us here more often! We’ll be located in Tree’s new Loft Room. We are currently working with the team to transform it into Swindon’s only dedicated rave room! The Loft Room will have a focus on aesthetics, with new lighting, a new sound system, along with a lot more surprises that you can only experience by coming down to Get Out! on a Saturday night.
Exciting times! With the stage set and the wheels in motion, the first show at their new home will be on Saturday 25th March, featuring a diverse line up including Eksman and Jmulla!
Early bird tickets are on sale now!
Buy Tickets Here!
What do you see in store for the future of Get Out?
Plenty more events that push the boundaries of Drum and Bass, and even bigger headline acts! Maybe even some mixed genre nights as well, we’d love to be able to include the whole spectrum of the rave scene in what we are doing. Festivals are going to be a huge focus for us going into next year, which we are very excited for! Another key focus for us at the moment is working to make our events accessible and inclusive for all, we want everyone to be able to experience a Get Out! Event!
What do you enjoy most about putting on events?
The organisation aspect is really exciting, seeing all your ideas come together on the night is definitely something special. We are really enjoying the creative process at the moment and have been brainstorming loads of new ideas, both within the event field and other ways that we can bring Get Out! To a wider audience. Seeing the community enjoy themselves is important to us, as is working with different DJs and artists, it's all about making connections.
What would you say you like most about the www.jungledrumandbass.co.uk website?
A massive shout out to Jungle Drum and Bass for having us in to do this interview! JDnB is definitely the best place to go for all your drum and bass updates and news!
Any shout outs or dedications?
A huge shout out to everyone involved in the Swindon Drum and Bass scene, there are some amazing nights here, including Dank Bass and Midlife Crisis. Every event helps to keep the scene here thriving so definitely get yourself out to support each and every one! A big shout out to Tree for giving us the opportunity to work with them and create something unique within Swindon.
Get Out! Socials:
Add us on Snapchat for exclusive competitions. free entry and more! - GetOutEvents
Interview by DJ Onit