[17.04.22] Blueprint Presents: Back2Basics Tour Easter Sunday £5 Rave tickets

[17.04.22] Blueprint Presents: Back2Basics Tour Easter Sunday £5 Rave tickets


If you're looking for a DnB masterplan, you need to learn from the old & the new. Original badman selecta Ray Keith has personally curated a lineup of old and new b2b artillery to shell down Sub 89, Reading on Easter Sunday

Ray keith b2b Nicky Blackmarket

Ben Snow b2b Jappa b2b Lupo

Motiv b2b Sl8r


Lo-selecta (jungle set)

Hosted by




Expect a journey through jungle and drum 'n' bass from the early 90s to the present day, in the company of those who built the scene and still sit atop it, alongside the cream of the new DnB breed For those who were there, this is what it felt like to brock out in front of the bassbins to breakneck amens, snappy two-steps and rumbling low end. For those new to the scene, come get educated by the masters.

Ticket Information

Courtesy of skiddle.com
Posted by Mark Jeffers